Monday, May 24, 2010

How do I remove multiple spaces from a cstring (character string) in c++?

For example

If I have a two dimmensional character array string: songdata[x][y]. and it contains the characters "the great escape". How do I manipulate it to make it look like:

"the great escape"

I just want to remove spaces where there are multiple spaces, but not remove all of the spaces.

How do I remove multiple spaces from a cstring (character string) in c++?
Seasoned programmers will want to howl at me on this code because we're building the replacement string into the same buffer (songlist[x][y]) as the source buffer--(not using a temporary buffer)....generally a bad practice.

However, this code works (and is extremely efficient) because--in this instance--the resulting string is guaranteed to be the same len, or shorter, than the source string. A little thought on this will prove it out.

Best wishes,


void strip_excess_space(int songlist_count)


int x=0, y=0, z=0;

int done=0;

int ch, lastCh=' ';



ch = songdata[x][y++];



case ' ': //a space?

if(lastCh != ch) //if last character wasn't a space...

songdata[x][z++] = ch; //permit it.


case '\0': //end of string

songdata[x][z++] = ch;

x++; //go to next name in songlist

z=y=0; //...and beginning of buffers

//check for end

if(x %26gt;= songlist_count)

done = 1;



songdata[x][z++] = ch;



lastCh =ch;



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