Monday, May 24, 2010

C programming array question?

Here's a sample of a program:

char cur[6][20]={"Euro ", "YEN ", "Franc", "ZWD", "DOP", "Exit"}; //five currencies types plus exit option (6)

float rates[5] ={1.3859, 114.9750, 0.8424, 0.00003333, 0.02988}; // five (5)exchange rates

What would the (20) relate to if we are doing currency conversion? Why should the number (20) be used in this example if the conversion is hard-coded why not any other number?

C programming array question?
The cur[6] relate to the five currency options (+Exit) in the array, and [20] is the size of the string in each of the arrays, so the longest currency /option name is "Franc" that is at cur[2]. So there is a 'wasted space' for minimum 14 bytes (1 byte required for string terminating null character \x0) for each array from [0] to [6].

Therefore your declaration may be like char cur[6][6] = {"Euro".......};
Reply:u can use 6 in place of 20 try it

20 is used for length of maximun characters in char variable

Of course, 20 is the maximum length of the string that can be stored in cur[6][20] array. But there is wastage of space. Only "Franc" is using max space, i.e., 5 charachter. Still there is wastage of 15 characters.

Instead of above u could declare a character array of pointers that would save space without writing any fixed size (in this case 20). Still u can save string of any length.

Alternative code of ur code is:

char *cur[6]={"Euro","Yen","Franc","ZWD","DOP...

u can access any of the elements by writing cur[4], cur[0] etc.

I am no expert but i think it's the "Text String Length" in the array,

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