Friday, May 21, 2010

How do i add values to an array in C++ using a function.?

I have a set of values that i read into an array using a function earlier on, now i need to add additional values to the end of the array. hot do i go about doing that.

How do i add values to an array in C++ using a function.?
probably u had used a loop for earlier reading ,

then here's how it goes . i'll show an example.


void main()

{int a[20],i,n,m;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n How many elements ?";






cout%26lt;%26lt;"\n How many elements do you want to add ?";





the idea here is , u hav executed for loop for the first reading , so u dont change the value of i that ws updated when it ws in the loop. Further reading takes place frm wer it ws stopped. Bt ur array size should be such that it can accomodate m+n elements
Reply:These are some way you can do

1. new array with maximize size array[MAX] and int _array_len variable.

Ex: len = 2;

buffer = new[len];

//TODO: init value

when u want to add value then just increase len++

buffer[len++] = value;

2. You should use collection like List or ArrayList

I hope it can help

flowers online

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