Friday, May 21, 2010

How 2 write a programmetha generate array of 101 random numbers in c++?

I won't do the work for you, since this smells like homework, but I can give you pseudocode:

define int array random_number of 101 integers

define int i // loop counter

seed random number generator

for i = 0 to 100

__ random_number[i] = generated random number

next i

It's up to you to get the C++ syntax and functions to generate the random numbers.

How 2 write a programmetha generate array of 101 random numbers in c++?
You posted in the wrong section, it should be in Computers %26gt; Programming %26amp; Design (anyway, that shouldn't be much a problem since this is simple and some mathematician are programmers too)

Ok, in C++, you can generate random numbers by calling rand(), but first you've got to #include %26lt;cstdlib%26gt;. Since computers can only generate pseudorandom numbers, most of the time it's good to seed the random number by calling srand(); generally feeding it the current time as current time is always unique.

You can read around here for a bit more about random numbers:

You can declare array by using the square bracket:

int anarray[101];

this will create an int array that have 101 members and is named anarray.

Now, one bit you should know, C++'s array is zero-based so the lowest indices start with 0 (anarray[0]) and the highest indices is length of array - 1, that means anarray[100]

Next, you'll need a loop. In C++, there are several kinds of loop, for this one, for-loop is the best choice, I won't talk about the rest for now. The syntax for a for-loop is:

for (initialsituation ; conditiontoloop; operation) {


You'll need something like this:

for (int i = 0; i %26lt;= 100; i++)

This i variable would be used as the index for your random number array, you'll generate the random number one-by-one, and put it in the next array location.

anarray[i] = rand();

That covers the basic building block. You should be able to write your own code with this and llafer's pseudocode. I hope you could appreciate programming, as it's a fun thing to do once you learned the basic.
Reply:In BASIC:

Dim A(101)

For I = 1 to 101


Next I

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